Kotu'a Mewrilah

Street Rat turned Bodyguard

Name: Kotu'a Mewrilah
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Home City: Ul'dah
Relationships: Kiki Kitsune
Profession: Owner of The Desert Rose, Bodyguard, Entertainer, (Sometimes) Thief
Personality: Charming, polite, professional, friendly
Interests: Sleight of Hand, collecting exotic items, booze, gambling, people
Orientation: Demisexual Hetero-romantic, poly

"Street Rat."
These are just a few of the names and slurs hurled Kotu'a's way growing up on the streets of Pearl Lane in Ul'dah. No family to speak of, the Keeper grew up on his own with little support save the courts from the brothel next to the alleyway he slept in. They taught him a myriad of things, but most importantly, "Be kind to all; you never know what struggles they may have endured." He practiced this with varying degrees of success growing up, the flaunted wealth of the Ul'dahn elite leaving the youth often disillusioned and unable to consider a reality where he didn't have to eat trash to fill his belly at night.That day came eventually in the form of an adventurer-bodyguard named Isolde, who recognized Kotu'a's talent for thievery could compliment her bodyguarding skills. quite nicely. She cut him a deal: Work with her, and she'd teach him the gunblade. For Kotu'a, it was a way off the streets. He had no idea how deeply it'd change his life. Two years into their partnership, they were ambushed by Garlean soldiers in Coerthas. Isolde fell in the fighting and the Garleans left Kotu'a to freeze with no supplies. Devastated, he fell into booze and the beds of anyone who'd look at him pretty to escape, keeping Isolde's gunblade perpetually glued to his person as the only remaining token of his best friend.He stumbled his way through several relationships, healing a little more each time. Along the way, he met Kiki Kitsune, a Viera red mage whom he befriended. Little did he know, years later she would become his beloved bonded.While Kotu'a has largely healed from the trauma of that day, he still harbors a deep anger and resentment towards Garleans, as well as the fat cat elite of Ul'dah. What he will do at this crossroads in his life is anyone's guess, but they do know one thing: Something caused the Keeper to largely hang up his beloved gunblade.

AVAILABILITY: Usually evenings EST, plus weekends. Sporadically during the day on weekdays.
DISCORD: Available on request
IN GAME: Kotu'a Mewrilah (Crystal Datacenter, Malboro Server). Will happily datacenter and server hop for RP.
HOBBIES: Programmer (C++/C#/Python), gamer (mostly PC), writer, LARPer.
ROLEPLAY STYLE: I prefer in-game RP over Discord, but that can be discussed. Up front disclaimer: Consent is my number one rule. If all parties don't consent in advance, it doesn't happen. Period.
I'm open to a wide variety of topics and themes, but prefer to discuss anything in a gray or darker area up front. Collaborative roleplay and for all parties involved to walk away feeling satisfied and good about scenes is my ultimate goal. I like a good scene full of feels, but keep a very strict IC vs OOC. Just because my character behaves one way to yours doesn't mean I the player feel the same way about you the player. Some of my best friends have been made with people where our characters hated each other.Generally sending me a message/DM in-game or on Discord (if I've given it to you) about RP is a good way to approach me, especially if we don't know each other. It 1) Makes sure I know what you're looking for and 2) Makes sure I'm not afk (which has happened!)Hooks: Struggling with the past and grief, redemption, growth and development, bodyguard for hire, entertainer, thief, deception and its consequences, romance/dark/mature themes welcome with prior discussion.